Tuesday, September 5, 2017

le 6 septembre - le 8 septembre

1. Morpholio - a décor app http://www.morpholioapps.com/board/
2. Complete yesterday's handouts.
3. Jouer un jeu et courir!


Structured inquiry question:
How can I make my partner's room a (better?) reflection of them?

Resources: ( a preliminary list only)
• Redesign – Sauvons les meubles – French home reno program on YouTube

• HOUZZ in French - https://www.houzz.fr/

• French Pinterest - https://fr.pinterest.com/

• Ça Marche French program

Learning evidence:
OneNote/Office 365 – a vocabulary/expression “bank” for the Performance Task; completed practice worksheets from Ça Marche for the French language content; décor ideas collected from the resources above.

Performance task:
Design a bedroom for a classmate that really reflects their personality and their interests
Artifact – a design board on Morpholio - a décor app http://www.morpholioapps.com/board/
for a classmate’s room.

Oral component – talk your “client” through your design ideas for their space.
Based on rubric and exemplars, students will provide a written self-reflection about their Learning Evidence and their Performance Task and the grade they feel their efforts deserve on a 6 point scale. The student will meet with me and we will come to an agreed upon grade. 

Phew! Il fait chaud!

Welcome to French 10!

1. Attendance - which pronoun do you prefer?
2. Fire drills.
3. Ice breaker - Your first pet's name + your mother's maiden name = your "nom de plume"
4. Blog + OneNote/Office 365
5. Question 1 : What does poor learning and teaching look like? Make a list.
6. Question 2: What does really good learning and teaching look like? Put your cards on the table and sort them.
7. If you could show your understanding in French in any fashion, how would you choose to do it?

   - speaking aloud to me, a small group, or to the entire class
   - making a visual (poster, Prezi, Keynote, PowerPoint, video, etc)
   - using artistic methods (photos, painting, sculpture, dance, woodwork)
   - taking a traditional test (multiple choice, true/false, short answer essay)

 8. Consider each of the following and how you would like to see each worked into our class:
   - What are you most passionate about?
   - What are your goals?
   - What types of challenges do you enjoy?

9. A few games: Count to 10, Ping Pong, Pictionaire, Telephone.

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le 15 janvier - le 18 janvier

lundi 1. La francophonie canadienne p 10 & 11 du carnet 2. Les expressions interrogatives p. 12 carnet  p. 8 livret. 3. Pear Deck!